Partay Thay Kek Koen System Li-wang


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his younger years at older age

Founder off the THAY KEK and TAOKUN from Indonesië

KUNTAO from Makassar

The fact that chinese fighting art tactics have had positive influences upon pencak silat in the makassar area has already been alluded to and specific evidences named. One of the best orginez kuntao systems in makassar is perhaps a synthesis form. Headed by master teacher Lie Tjhing Yan, the product is perhaps largely an extension of Lie’s ideas over the course of his more than seventy years. Lie is a visionary who approoaches modern day kuntao with a broadmindedness unbecoming to its tradition. The result has been, however, vitality and an ensured continuation of combative ideas strung on a network of modern needs. By interjecting his fine personality, Lie wins students. To begin with, Lie has named his obviously kuntao form as a type of pencak silat. Kebudajaan (means culture) ilmu (knowledge) silat indonesia is the name of the organization and the fighting form. Little has changed insofar as kuntao mechanics and scope are concerned. The system is largely one based on hand and arm tactics, kicking methods are minimal. Kicks are either preparatory to a turn or made immediately after one is completed. Parrying or blocking methods bring de defender into positions from which quick ripostes can be launched. The open hand is almost always used to effect the parries, it is also used to catch and cover. The blocking hand is usually supported by the free hand. Stances are midline and movements are made from semicrouch positions with feet that are slid over the terrain, lead foot turned slightly inward. The double weighting principle is used. Turning for evasion is always made in a counterclockwise direction. The usual weapons of kuntao are studied, and the long bladed, single edged sword is the core weapon. Additionally, the standard weapons of pencak silat have been mastered. Most skill is demonstrated with the stick (toya), the tjabang, and the parang.
                                                                                                                                     THAY KEK in Makassar                                                                    TAO KUN in Makassar
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TAOKUN in Surabaya


Founder of the TAOKUN in Surabaya, Indonesia

In Surabaya was/is a Chinese enclave where several styles within Kun Tao was practised, among Hokkian Siauw Lim. One of these Chinese people which have spreads the Kun Tao was the late Mr. Lie Tjhing Yan. He had a student whom he trainded privately, named Mr. Liem Khee Ien who spread the Kun Tao in Surabaya. Under Mr. Liem Khee Ien has comed Mr. B.H. Tan. Now the Kun Tao in Surabaya are continued by the son of the late Mr. Liem Khe Ien, Mr. Liem Poo Kiong and his son.
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TAOKUN in the Netherlands


Kun Tao was in the years 1950 mostly brought to the Netherlands with the many Indonesian-Chinese people, which emigrated after the turbulent years of sovereignty transfer of the Netherlands to Indonesia, to the Netherlands. One of these people whom started to give lessons in the Netherlands to friends and family was the late Mr. Bian Hien Tan from Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

Founder of the TAOKUN in the Netherlands
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Kun Tao in the Netherlands are respectively still one original school which probably still teach the authenticity of the style like the originally teaching from Indonesia. This school are resulted from the many years of teaching by the grandmaster B.H. Tan. On the photograph above you can see the Kun Tao school. The original name is the Taokun - Thay Kek and is the school from Papendrecht and is under the guidance of W.L. of Prehn. This way the life work of grandmaster B.H. Tan will be past on and guaranteed for in the future.
TAO KUN-THAY KEK is the Chinese fighting art from China. The system is mentioned as Partaij Thay Kek (Tai Keh) koen, system Liwang, Sam Koan - Liu Koan - Kiu Koan (3 levels). Partay Thay Kek koen means according to the Chinese philosophy; The game/art according to the absolute, ultimate principles of the fist/hands (koen = fist). Tao means way/path, therefore "the way of the fist" or "the way of the hands". The Chinese word for streetfighting is Chuan Tou, KunTao, KunTau or Cuntao, (HOK KIAN = KUN-TAO). It is very a practice specific form of self-defence which also the use of weapons.
The Chinese formed, just as in other countries a closed community. In these communities spread over the entire Indonesian archipelago, held they a strong extent fast at their own culture. So also at their self defence system which in Indonesia stands and known under the name of Kun Tao.
This means among other things that it the habit was exclusively to teach Kun Tao within its own family ring, to which sometimes very strong friend’s part belonged. Strangers were however never allowed to the training. At childlessness in such a family they teach an other people's this knowledge and matter. In the course of time however the closeness of these family rings became gradually broken. By enormous transmigrations and oppressions by several dynasties, a lot of families which mastered these martial art are emigrated to other continents and because of this Kun Tao was further spread.
In the book "The Weapons and Fighting Arts of Indonesia" from the writer Donn F. Draeger, was indicated on the fact that Kun Tao, lthough historically difficult to trace, Kun Tao appears to be the most old, standard self defence system in Indonesia. It even dates from the time that the first Chinese people established themselves there, approximately 2000 year ago, what certainly is remarkable. The history of the development of the Kun Tao in Indonesia is vague by a lot of factors which make examining difficult. In the 19th century the Dutch brought thousands Chinese traders within to help Indonesia the economy of "farming". With these Chinese a lot of mixtures of Kuntao methods came.
The Chinese word Kun Tao is commonly known and understood all over the length and breath of the vast Indonesian Archipelago. It is a name greatly respected by even the most self-centred native societies. Kuntao is the Hokkien word used to describe various Chinese fighting systems which range over the entire spectrum of hand-to-hand combat measures, that is, systems which embrace both empty-hand and weaponed fighting tactics. A great variety of weapons is utilized.
Kuntao is very secretively practised and is not openly displayed in its full technical wholeness. That which is displayed is usually not the true form. “Kun” may be red as fist and “Tao” as manner/or the way. The word thus implies the manner of employing the fist/hands or the way of the fist.
There are several Kuntao styles among which, Fukien (Hokkien), Shantung, Kongfu, Khe (Canton). Thit Kun (straight style), Tang Kiok, Thay Lohan Tjie, Pa Kua, Kau Koen (Kow Kun), Peh Ho (Pai Hao), Thay Kek (Tai chi chuan).
Kun Tao especially is found on: Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes and the Netherlands. Also in the surrounding countries; Malaysia and the Philippines you can find it, and under the same name. With great certainty can be also assumed that many Kun Tao styles, certainly in Indonesia, are mixed with the local Pencak Silat. On itself that’s not strange, there both as well in Kun Tao and in the Pencak Silat the self-defence on the first place stand. Both systems are very feared fighting systems, the result that a lot of local synthesis forms has arisen.
Confidentiality is by the various Kun Tao-styles an important element, Kun Tao is namely in the first place a defence’s art.
The Kun Tao consists of 36 parts. Each part has a separate form and each movement has a philosophic meaning. Outside the parts has the Kun Tao also loose parts, this are attacks-and apologies techniques that you in the basis exercises back can find. De Kun Tao knows also the use of weapons as: stick fight, knife, sword and yet many other weapons of which the use you’re not familiar.
By Kun Tao is almost 80% exported with the hands, consequently many hands contact. Kun Tao is very hard and powerful and can be exported in principle not soft.
The Kun Tao of the last generation comes and is educate from the masters from Papendrecht and Dordrecht in the Netherlands. These masters are for years in this art and control compete to do is self yet many other self defends systems such as many Indonesian Pencak Silat styles and Chinese Kung Fu styles. With help of the inherent force, known as the inner strength, they are capable of the most impossible, dangerous and for most people unthinkable exports and exercises such as breaking thick wooden sticks on the arm or on other parts of the body and bend an iron solid bar on the arm or legs, even bend sharp points on the throat such as spears or other sharp points and many other exercises with the inherent force the body with self-control and deep concentration for this purpose in state. The mostly mainly is the breaking of a brick with the open palm, named the iron palm system.
Manners from apply:
- Use rest and be relaxed
- Be confident and convinced of your knowledge
- Be calm and stand sturdy as a tree
- As the attack comes, explode in an explosive force with the power of a tornado
- Be direct, powerful, hard and fast
- Neutralize the attacker yet before he self can prepare on the pain
Short Impression training method:
KUN TAO (the way of the hands) is a defense fights art. These defenses art is very effective. One learns rush by these fights art self to defend against attackers with or without weapons. These fights art has been arranged for everybody. There many attentions are spent at good respiration and good body’s attitude and control. By the Kun Tao stands stamina and will power centrally. Through the powerful training, one will observe already fast result and physical growth. Fear, doubt and uncertainty will make way for trust, conviction and belief in yourself. Further there is worked at a better mental concentration through which inner growth and development are stimulated. For the mental balance there under leadership of a persons experience meditated becomes.
The TAO KUN training consists of 3 parts:
• A physical training which has the target to increase the external power and hardness.
• A mental training which has the target to bring the so-called "inherent strength" to a
  higher level.
• A realization and development of respect and compassion for your fellow man.
This everything in combination with the practicing of the specific fights technique.
Although the physical training for the outsider appears to be extreme hard and heavily, appeared for the practitioner all too often that the mental training is much heavier. The Taoïsme plays a large role in Kun Tao.
Sub Parts
Parts are basis exercise, in which all loose basis attitudes, walk movements, positions, blocks, strikes, kicks etc., in fixed short patrons of small parts that returns in the Parts. The parts form the basis of the Parts. By the parts will be specific attention on all details, that is necessarily to conduct well. The parts have to increase the target not only the physical power but also the mental power, the use of will power, enduring, exploring off the skills and good respiration. By training the sub parts powerful and intensively, the physical power and hardness will develop fast. The parts are exported always with a partner. Considerably to realize a good growth balance, it's very important to create combined action with the partner and not to oppose each other. With this is meant that both partners adapt their power and level to each other.
Parts are attacks and defending exercises of in principle perfectly combined patrons in which as well different situations as an attack and defend in flowing movements are executed. Each part has his own unique patron where all basis techniques constantly return. The flowing transitions of defend to attacks and of attacks to defend will make the practitioner conscious of the flexibility within the system. The arms/hands seek their way in defend but also again to an attack, through the smallest movement that the opponent makes, especially by the sensitivity off hands contact that the practitioner has been developed will directly lead to an reaction. One can learn neutralize and eliminate on close distance and through contact to hold the opponent. During exporting of the Parts good concentrated and be constant alert, will the practitioner develop his mental qualities which the senses optimally their positions can fulfil. To control the parts is advised to export the parts very regular as sort of Kata. Because of this order of remembering the patrons of the parts will improved, which the chances on interruptions during the exporting are minimized. Also one can prevent the details on the execution of basis and the correcting that probably one do not observe during the export from the Parts with a partner. Therefore many attentions must spend at the flowing and perfect exporting of the Parts. If one committed and improved in the execution, one can increase the speed, power and hardness, provided that no harm is done at the execution of the Parts through uncontrolled, mistakes and interruptions act. Accomplish a perfect execution of the game.
The use
The use of the Kun Tao has been directed on the neutralisation of the opponent(s) within single seconds. The use of the Kun Tao is fast, hard, powerful, explosive and merciless and even deadly. By the Kun Tao are many use made by powerful punches, violent palm attack on the body and stick to the eyes and throat. Further all central vital parts of the body and joints will be hit. The basis of the use has been based from the Parts of the Kun Tao. From the Parts, short patrons or loose techniques can be used and executed during an attack. Therefore it's very important to control the parts and to memorise in order of each Part in your memory, so you can use that part of divide in each unexpected moment. Therefore I always advise to train the Parts as a kind of Kata by walking alone. Further is the use based on improvisation because in principle you can never know what your opponent is planning to do. By using improvisation makes that the defender is flexible and free to use the techniques that required to neutralize the opponent. Because of this the defender will not have been bound at fixed patrons, rules and even traditions. Improvisation sees to flowing transitions of as well the mental steering then well the physical. Because of this one can anticipate and adapt fast on changes and deviations. Through not freely in the mental and physical, one can/will be braked and blocked in thinking and acting which will limited and impediment the person himself. Learning to be relaxed and remain calm in a critical situation is very essential to keep continuous the survey and good assessments and decisions to make. The application of it requires trust and years of intensive training, conviction and belief in knowledge and skill of yourself to obtain. Training everyday intensively with the target, to make the movements naturally as possible. To train the body in such a way that it will become hard, powerful and smoothly and can manoeuvre in the most difficult positions. You learn to fine tune your mind and its automatic functions so that it will move your body in a very special way in dangerous circumstances. The Kun Tao exponent will never go backwards only if not otherwise, he will remain stand the confrontation with the attacker and directly stop the attack and relentlessly eliminate neither before the enemies minds can prepare for the pain, or he will neutralize the enemy from aside without having been touched. Without fear and doubt and with trust in his power and mental way of thinking, he has the will power to defeat.